Legislative Affairs
Our #1 mission to advocate on behalf of All Veterans and their Families. MOAA is a leading lobbyist organization working to ensure promises made to the military and veterans are kept. BE AN ADVOCATE-TAKE ACTION by going to the MOAA Legislative Action Center!
MOAA is the nation’s largest and most influential association of military officers. We are a powerful force speaking for all members of the Uniformed Services and protecting their earned benefits. MOAA National, the Florida Council of Chapters (FCoC), and other affiliates are all politically nonpartisan organizations.
The Legislative Affairs Committee of FCoC monitors national and state legislative actions that affect national defense or military personnel (active duty, retirees, veterans, and their families). They keep Chapter members informed and alerted to TAKE ACTION. The committee maintains liaison with state veteran and military retiree organizations, and MOAA’s Government Relations Office to combine support for common legislative objectives. The committee also establishes and maintains effective relationships and communications channels with state and national legislators. The committee makes use of council communications tools for reaching the membership and promoting individual actions to achieve MOAA’s legislative objectives.
The Florida Council and our affiliate chapters support MOAA’s legislative initiatives at the grassroots level and further work to ensure Florida remains “Veteran Friendly.” We encourage all our members to Be An Advocate!
National Legislative Chair
CWO2 Pierre Louis, USMC (Ret)
As a leading military lobby the goal of MOAA is to address Legislative Issues with Congressional Members. MOAA annually generates a list of issues they want to emphasize with Congress, which will appear in the National Goals. In addition, once a year, members from MOAA Staff and Council and Chapters visit Legislators to discuss these issues.
FCOC Florida State Legislative Chair
Lt Col Steve Murray, USAF (Ret)
As with the National list of information, we are now including Florida state legislative information. The menu below provides a view of the State Legislative information relevant to the military.